American Cancer Society Internships

American Cancer Society Internships 2024

The American Cancer Society (ACS) offers various internship opportunities for students and recent graduates interested in gaining experience in the fields of cancer research, advocacy, healthcare, public health, and nonprofit management. These internships typically provide valuable hands-on experience, networking opportunities, and exposure to the workings of a major nonprofit organization dedicated to cancer research, prevention, and support.

To explore internship opportunities at the American Cancer Society, you can visit their official website and navigate to the “Careers” or “Volunteer” section. Here, you’ll likely find information about available internships, their application process, and requirements.

Here are general steps you can take to find ACS internships:

  1. Visit the ACS Website: Go to the American Cancer Society’s official website and look for sections related to careers, jobs, or volunteer opportunities.
  2. Search for Internship Openings: Use the search bar or navigation tools on the website to specifically look for internships. You can filter the search results by location, field, or type of internship.
  3. Review Requirements and Application Process: Each internship opportunity may have specific requirements, such as educational background, skills, or experience. Read through the internship descriptions carefully and note down the application instructions.
  4. Prepare Your Application: Update your resume, write a compelling cover letter tailored to the internship you’re applying for, and gather any additional documents or materials required for the application.
  5. Submit Your Application: Follow the instructions provided on the ACS website to submit your application for the internship program. Ensure that you meet the deadlines and provide all necessary information.
  6. Follow-Up: After submitting your application, consider following up with the American Cancer Society to express your continued interest and inquire about the status of your application.

Additionally, networking can be beneficial. Attend career fairs, conferences, or events related to cancer research or healthcare where representatives from the American Cancer Society might be present. Networking could provide you with insights and opportunities that might not be advertised widely.

Remember to check the ACS website periodically as internship opportunities may vary by location, time of year, and organizational needs.

Process of Applying

Click the link to submit your application online.

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